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Momma Says to Read

Avid reader/reviewer and editor. I don't pull punches when I review, love it or hate it, you get what I think.

Running Out of Time

Running Out of Time - Myers,  Cindi

This final TCD romantic suspense finished the series with a bang - literally. But it starts with a poisoning, and I may be dating myself here, but I remember the tainted Tylenol that's mentioned in this story. I also remember the panic and worry people had until it was figured out. So, something similar being used here was interesting to me. Honestly, I read a lot of mystery, suspense, and thrillers, and I'm surprised that I haven't seen it before now, so I have to give props to the author for coming up with a mystery that will likely be original to a good portion of the book's readers. Then we have the opposites attract romance, which is always good for a bit of banter and fun. There's a fine line between love and hate, and passions run high when two people are butting heads. I liked Jace from the start, but he's one of my favorite types of characters - a bit arrogant with a heart of gold. Laura is a little cold but with good reason, and I liked seeing her loosen up little by little as she and Jace got to know each other. The story is full of action and has a great balance between romance and suspense. I've enjoyed this whole Tactical Crime Division series, and I'd recommend it to anyone who reads romantic suspense.