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Momma Says to Read

Avid reader/reviewer and editor. I don't pull punches when I review, love it or hate it, you get what I think.

Too much sarcasm

First Grave on the Right - Darynda Jones

Let me just say that in most cases, I'm a huge fan of sarcastic wit, but it has to be properly timed. First Grave on the Right certainly has an abundance of sarcasm, and at the very beginning of the story, it was amusing. That amusement quickly waned as the book went on because there was just too much of it. The premise is good and looked like something I would enjoy, but in reality, I got a character that seriously needed a muzzle (the kind that keeps you from talking). Charley comes across like an over-sexed teenager rather than a private investigator and I found it ridiculous that any police officer would request her help, even if they did know she could see the dead. I did push through and finish the book in the hopes that it would improve and while the ending is open as far as Charley's relationship with an otherworldly character, this reader won't be exploring the series any further.